3 Aralık 2017 Pazar

M.Ravenna  Tweeted: You have reached a turning point and your current behavior wil... More for Capricorn

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M.Ravenna 
You have reached a turning point and your current behavior wil... More for Capricorn bit.ly/A5KmeJ
Shy The Legend Rear view mirror via @YouTube
Rally (Raluca) L.C.
36 weekly followers. 14 unfollowers. Crowdfire doesn't miss a trick - via
Anna Li
Goodbye #November! You were a handful... but looking at it like this every day.. you weren't so… instagram.com/p/BcK_zfVh-Ux/
Apostle Timmy Evans
Moment of worship-Happy Weekend fb.me/BjjisvYD
Bridget Sloan
Love it so much, how'd I get so lucky #lightmycandleduet twitter.com/samanthapeszek…
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