2 Mart 2018 Cuma

Alicia Quinn Tweeted: At 21 weeks pregnant working out is getting a little more difficult to do comfortably-elevated table top isolation lifts are great for strengthening your core! 3x5-7 lifts w/ each slower you go the better-to kick it up a notch add a weight plate/vest or a pregnant belly

Your Highlights
Alicia Quinn
At 21 weeks pregnant working out is getting a little more difficult to do comfortably-elevated table top isolation lifts are great for strengthening your core!
3x5-7 lifts w/ each limb.The slower you go the better-to kick it up a notch add a weight plate/vest or a pregnant belly
The 4 experts from #ExclusiveNetworks #Imperva and #LogRhythm answering questions about #cybersecurity
Birmingham Live
Greggs driver gets stranded in snow - so hands out free doughnuts and pasties
Bridget Sloan
Y'all it is going to be a GREAT day.
UCLA Gymnastics
Our favorite artivist @katelyn_ohashi joins us on this week's #BruinBanter.
Maggie Nichols
If we are honest, one of the greatest desires we all have is to have a sense of self-worth. Therefore, it is important for you to know that you are valued, you are important, and that your life matters. You have something great to offer the world. You are a wonderful treasure.
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